
Mastering Project Management: Divide and Conquer

Mastering Project Management: Divide and Conquer Tackling a large project can often seem daunting. Whether you’re rolling out a new product, revamping a service, or overhauling an internal process, the key to success is breaking the project into manageable parts. Let’s explore how setting milestones, tasks, and sub-tasks can streamline


The Importance of Respecting Others’ Time

The Importance of Respecting Others' Time In business, time is a currency more precious than gold. Each minute wasted is an opportunity missed, a potential connection lost. My recent experience—a series of rescheduled meetings with a client—serves as a vivid illustration of this principle. The saga began with a scheduled

by CA Pankaj Jain
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Google Sheets Query Formula — How to obtain latest Order No. of each Salesman ?

Google Sheets Query Formula — How to obtain latest Order No. of each Salesman ? Sales teams often juggle multiple order books, making it a complex task to track the activity of individual salesmen. This challenge amplifies when each salesman is responsible for numerous transactions across various platforms or books.

by CA Pankaj Jain
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Understanding AppSheet Permissions with a Practical Formula

OR([Email Id] = USEREMAIL(),IN(USEREMAIL(), LIST(" ", ""))) This expression utilizes two important functions: `OR()` and `USEREMAIL()`, along with the `IN()` function. Let's break down each component to see how they work together to manage permissions. Direct Email Comparison[Email Id] = USEREMAIL() Purpose: This checks if the email address recorded in

by CA Pankaj Jain
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While making an AppSheet application on a Complaint Management System for a CCTV company, I had to create a slice where I had entered a complaint but had not assigned that complaint to an employee. To achieve this, I needed to filter the data to show only those complaints that

by CA Pankaj Jain
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How to refresh Google Sheets Formula at regular intervals?

While using Google Sheets, you may encounter situations where certain formulas continue to display old reports even after the master values have been updated. This can be frustrating, especially when you need the data to be up-to-date for decision-making. In such cases, manually cutting and repasting the formula can be

by CA Pankaj Jain
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Generating automatic serial numbers in AppSheet is crucial for maintaining order and efficiency in business processes. Whether it's for orders, quotations, jobs, complaints, or invoices, having a systematic approach to generate these numbers can streamline operations and reduce errors. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you implement this in AppSheet.

by CA Pankaj Jain
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Discovering the Power of Automating Google Tasks with Email

Introduction While assigning tasks in Google Tasks, I wondered if it was possible to send an email of Google Tasks in tabular form. Upon exploring, I found that yes, it was indeed possible. This discovery opened up a new avenue for me to manage my tasks more efficiently and ensure

by CA Pankaj Jain
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How to Correct Date Formatting in Google Sheets Dropdowns

When working with date formats in Google Sheets, one common issue users face is discrepancies in how dates appear in dropdown menus versus how they are displayed in the cells. Particularly, the problem arises when dates formatted as dd/mm/yyyy in cells revert to mm/dd/yyyy when selected from dropdowns. This can

by CA Pankaj Jain
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How to dynamically open App sheet Views with Conditional Logic

As a business consultant who frequently uses AppSheet to streamline business processes, I often encounter situations where dynamic linking based on specific conditions becomes essential. Recently, I faced a scenario where I needed to create links to various forms depending on the status of an item. Let me walk you

by CA Pankaj Jain
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